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This bulletin board works in a real-time mode. It is therefore not possible for us to control every message posted. Please note that we cannot supervise the contributions of our visitors and members online. We do not take responsibility for the contents and correctness of these messages. Every author is responsible for the contents of their messages. We forbid the posting of racist, pornographic, inhuman and any messages offending a general group of people or person! If these types of messages are noticed by an administrator or moderator, these messages will be deleted or edited without any further notice to the author. The owner of this forum reserves the right to deprive the writing permission temporarily or entirely of any visitor / member. All personal information submitted during registration will not be distributed to third party or used for creating spam mailing lists. We encourage all participating visitors or members to have committed and fair discussions and an acceptable word choice. Please use a language you would like to accept in replies to your own messages. |
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