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Author Topic: World-first fastest, intelligent and innovative Filecopier for data backup storage administrator and commercial entity
ID # 1

  Posted on August 04, 2024 04:41 AM (#1)  |  Quote Quote   PM PM   E-mail E-mail   HP HP
World-first fastest, intelligent and innovative Filecopier for data backup storage administrator and commercial entity


VRangeSync is Unix/Linux certified system sync,clone,mover tool. It has become the de-facto system sync,clone,mover tool used by leading providers who are looking for increased security, stability and scalability.

VRangeSync is an independent and standalone software as it include with it's own toolpack. It do not require any additional software to be installed. It will works even if remote machine do not have VRangeSync installed.

Vrangesync is world-first file copier which offer the following features that none of the traditional filecopier on the market have.

- Achieve the fastest copying/cloning result on the market.(1)(2)
- 'ncat' and 'ssh' for remote data transport. (8)
- Deltacopy (Delta Diff Algorithm) offer for 'non-remote' and 'remote' data transfer.(5) Traditional filecopier can work for 'remote' data transfer only.
- 4 ways sync.(link) Traditional filecopier offer two ways sync only.(4)
- 'Intelligent move' Algorithm(3)
- In-depth detailed statistic report for administrator for profiling.(7)

With the above features, your storage device's lifespan get extended and live longer. The total time to complete data transfer is shorter.

More information, read here


Fastest for non-internet and internet data transfer


Intelligent 'move'
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieIgKwqK8do

Vrangesync 4 type of sync
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIHxXPWcTmE

Delta transfer algorithm
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSEXb943xs4

Intelligent [v]copy
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuFP5iwWprU

7. https://www.1range1.com/img/statistic.png

'ncat' and 'ssh' for remote data transport
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGppIQIgXok

Posts: 17 | Member since: April 2024 | IP address: saved

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