$ wget "http://www.1range1.com/dl.php?f=vr.tar.xz" -O "vr.tar.xz"
$ curl -L "http://www.1range1.com/dl.php?f=vr.tar.xz" -o "vr.tar.xz"
$ md5sum vr.tar.xz
Verify the integrity of the file and make sure it matches with our site before using it.
vr.tar.xz (Size: 7.7M) - f08e96efd08632115a09f8a8917198f9 (md5sum)
$ tar xf vr.tar.xz
$ chmod -R 755 vr vrex bin
First time install
Install the essential tools
./vr -new
Signup for a free license for your system with an valid email if this is your first time install.
Change '
your@domain.com' to your own email address.
./vr -nec "your@domain.com"
Howto use the software
For example, copy a single file from '/path/to/src/vm.img' to '/backup/to/dir/'.
./vr -i "/path/to/src/vm.img" -o "/backup/to/dir/"
For example, mirror from '/path/to/src' to '/backup/to/dir'.
./vr -i "/path/to/src" -o "/backup/to/dir"
For more info how to use the software, visit the
example page.
The vrex.log file provide information on the activity.
WARNING: VRangeSync comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
It is recommend to run a 'dryrun' to get an overview of new changes first and then sync.
For example:
./vr -i "/path/to/src" -o "/backup/to/dir" --mode "list"
./vr -i "/path/to/src" -o "/backup/to/dir" --mode "sync"
Once you get use to how Vrangesync works, you are safe to use the
--mode "complete" or without
--mode option (it will default to 'complete') to automate the process.
Howto - one liner installation
$ wget "http://www.1range1.com/dl.php?f=vr.tar.xz" -O "vr.tar.xz";e=$(md5sum vr.tar.xz|awk '{print $1}');if [ "$e" != "f08e96efd08632115a09f8a8917198f9" ]; then echo "CRITICAL"; else tar xf vr.tar.xz && chmod -R 755 bin vr vrex && ./vr -new; fi
$ curl -L "http://www.1range1.com/dl.php?f=vr.tar.xz" -o "vr.tar.xz";e=$(md5sum vr.tar.xz|awk '{print $1}');if [ "$e" != "f08e96efd08632115a09f8a8917198f9" ]; then echo "CRITICAL"; else tar xf vr.tar.xz && chmod -R 755 bin vr vrex && ./vr -new; fi
Howto - install it system-wide
If you have 'root' priviledge, install it system-wide.
Every user can start vrangesync from anywhere on the same system and get their own vrangesync profile.
$ ln -s "/path/to/vrangesync/vr" /usr/bin/vr